PAGE UNDER DEVELOPMENT (critiquing comments are welcome and appreciated)
Climate Justice Approaches:
The main message I am trying to convey overall is that in order to have a large impact on Climate Justice progress, we have to be able to easily Problem Solve Together. And this requires initially Sharing Compassions (topic 2 in the table of contents below), and with the ideas generated together, working very closely with each other to accomplish Problem Solving Together (topic 3 below). And we are all responsible in our own way for contributing to the issue in varying degrees, and have a vested (primarily financial) interest in solving it. I kindly encourage those that feel they have contributed to the issue to a larger degree, that they feel a stronger responsibility to help solve the problem. A key element that needs to be folded in up front is the ability to Critically Think (topic 1 below). Having and nurturing this capability sets the stage for discerning the truth in all the matters needed. It also provides many of the skills necessary to Problem Solve, at first individually, and then together as a team. From this foundation (starting from Sharing Compassions mentioned above), Climate Justice can be most efficiently addressed. How the concepts of Social Justice and Climate Change combine to form Climate Justice, are also discussed below in topics 4, 5, and 6. And I also kindly suggest that the ultimate goal below for all of these efforts be considered to be happiness: both individually and collectively.
Table of Contents: Approaches
Critical Thinking and wisdom
Critical thinking with regard to determining the truth
Critical thinking with regard to problem solving:
Sharing compassions naturally produces idea sharing
(Sharing compassions phenomenon: place link to blog book excerpt and link to book.)
Sharing is part of human nature: it’s in our genes. It is the capability to share things and work together that allowed us to survive as a species during difficult times. If we try to fight human nature, eventually we lose in every case. Alternatively if we follow human nature and take advantage of its powers, we have the potential to improve our lives, often over the long term. By sharing compassion and self-compassion, we naturally work with each other to understand our problems and come up with ideas to potentially solve our shared problems. This interaction can be very strong. Note that the first step is to share compassions and share ideas for solutions. That is why it is imperative for all of us to be willing to both share ideas and work together with anyone else in order to have the largest impact on solving these problems. In order to accomplish this Social Justice needs to be implemented so everyone can work together with anyone else when needed. This approach is especially important for the monumental problem of Climate Change, and hence the term Climate Justice applies.
In like fashion, if we try to fight mother nature, eventually we lose in every case. Alternatively if we work together with mother nature, and take advantage of her powers, we have the potential to improve our lives on this planet of ours.
Idea sharing and problem solving together
This next step is to take the ideas for solutions that we produced together and put our heads together and do the work together (share in it again) to determine which solutions are feasible, choose one and implement it. (Business case?)
necessary ingredient for implementing Climate Justice
Book is the foundation of working together to solve problems (Problem Solving Together: Shared solving?), in this case Climate Justice. It contains the description of the human nature aspect of the interactions and the supporting theory. How does having this knowledge impact and potentially help solve problems? By having compassion for each other in a shared problem, we see the problem impact from the other person’s shoes, and combine that impact with how we see it, in order to be able to discuss commonalities that can lead to better ideas to solve the problem. Hence the phrase Problem Solving Together.
Climate Change explanation
What is at stake if we lose nature? Nature is our buffer against human mistakes. Humans for the vast majority of cases learn by making mistakes. It is indeed human nature. A question that comes up is whether we can have a stable world without nature where humans control the entire ecosystem of the earth. What if climate change were to completely destroy nature and we would be left to fend for ourselves? Do we have the science and technology necessary for such an existence, and if not, can we produce it along the way to such an existence. If the latter is necessary, I argue not. We do primarily learn by mistake as a species, and therefore we cannot charter a perfect path to get to a society without nature. Along the way there will always be things that are out of our control, some of them most likely catastrophic. There is no perfect world, and there never will be. We by necessity will always rely on nature to catch our falls. Nature is what we have on this earth to rebuild the ground, the water, the air, and the entire ecosystem when we make mistakes and can’t do it for ourselves. Therefore we must preserve as much of it as possible to prevent our fall from being too far. God bless us all…
Social Justice explanation
Place brief human dignity discussion here
Place brief True Justice discussion here
Detailed discussion on human dignity and True Justice
Financial Segregation and Financial Discrimination
There are vast amounts of information on solutions to address climate change from a technical and scientific perspective. There is exceedingly very little public information about how to structure and restructure ourselves in our society(ies) to implement the possible solutions.
South American and Carribean Climate Change Public Records Agreement
Climate Justice explanation
Climate Justice is the combining of Social Justice and Climate Change, where both are necessary to be fully addressed in order to solve Climate Change for the world and the earth.
Having a shared sense of responsibility (driving force for working together) is key to implementing Climate Justice
Components: Avoiding Harm and Sharing Burdens: the book is a foundation: having compassion for each other accomplishes both aspects (reference top of home page).
Climate Change interplay with Social Justice: In the case of Climate Change, the associated damage and problems will continually get worse over time. In the case of World War II, the attack on Pearl Harbor which killed almost 3000 Navy seamen in the course of only a few hours shocked and unified the entire United States, and the next day the US entered the war. In the case of 911, almost 3000 American citizens were killed by the attack on the World Trade Center buildings and a couple other sites. This also occurred over the course of a few hours. The entire US was once again shocked and unified in an effort to fight terrorism. Climate Change is very different. There is no Pearl Harbor or 911 to quickly unify the US. Instead the slow ebbing increase in environmental damage leaves us to respond relatively slowly. However, Climate Change is by far (many orders of magnitudes) a larger existential threat to the US and the global society, the biggest mankind has ever faced. The need to fully unify in the US is paramount to solve the problem before it is too late to recover. This requires a transition of core values that place a large emphasis on money and the greed and fear that accompany it. Security systems and infrastructure abound in the US. Instead the core values need to place a large emphasis on friendship, love, and acceptance, like in World War II and 911. This dramatic shift in Social Justice is necessary in order to ambitiously work together in order to solve Climate Change. And if we don’t solve Climate Change, nobody wins with regard to Social Justice. Therefore this paragraph is the explanation and justification for why Social Justice and Climate Change need to be solved simultaneously. You can’t have one without the other.
Implementing Social Justice requires…
Happiness is the ultimate goal
My book provides an explanation of the concepts of moving from negative-based emotions to positive-based ones, which ultimately ends up at happiness. It directly supports my strategy centered around happiness-producing ideas that promote Social Justice.