Happiness can come from feeling the uplifting push that comes from a positive emotion. True happiness never directly comes from feeling a negative emotion. When we feel a negative emotion, often instinct kicks in and causes our response. If we are able to interject a cognitive thought, we have the option of making our response negative, nothing, or positive. If the response is negative, then some form of harm (physical, mental, and/or emotional) can occur. If instead the response is nothing, our emotions and feelings stay the same. Alternatively, if our response is positive, then often good things come from it (also physical, mental, and/or emotional). The direction of the response is a choice we can make. With practice, we can consciously make the response positive, resulting in good things. In other words, having a positive attitude helps. It comes from practice, and I believe it can be learned and strengthened by everyone.
In contrast, having a negative emotion can cause suffering. But by having self-compassion, one can help turn it around and ease their suffering. Alternatively, if someone else has compassion for the person who is suffering, he or she helps that person turn their thoughts from negative to positive. This helps the suffering person feel better. In other words, move in the direction of the positive emotion. If the emotion is strong enough, it can lead to happiness. True happiness is a special emotion. It only comes after any positive emotion is felt strongly.
If one becomes happy from success associated with feeling a negative emotion, great harm can come, and often on a continual basis. That type of emotional response can be addictive, and has led to some of the great tragedies the world has experienced. If the addiction is strong, it can be difficult if not impossible to overcome, and to turn the negative thoughts to positive ones. I believe there is a glimmer of hope for everyone, no matter how severe the addiction to negative thoughts or the mistake is. In my opinion, no one should be sentenced to death, no matter how heinous the crime. Redemption is possible for everyone. To put another human being to death for a negative-emotion addiction or mistake is to give up on hope for that person. When that feeling of hope we have for another person is extinguished, something dies inside of us: our incentive to have compassion. This causes a feeling of loss, both for the person and our own compassion, and we are saddened. There is nothing more that compassion can do.
Instead, have compassion for them and try to help. They are redeemable and have the possibility of becoming a healthy, happy person again. Compassion is the missing link that can induce positive emotions in another person and move them one step closer to true happiness. I think having compassion may truly be the meaning of life. It sure makes me feel a lot better.
[Excerpt taken from my extended blog from December, 2022 which is no longer in this blog sequence.]
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