Compassion for Life:
Discover more book messages and implications here.
As stated on the main “BOOK” page, my book is an exploration of the emotions compassion and self-compassion, and how they are expressed and relate to many other emotions. One of the key tools of the book is the description of the phenomenon that occurs when two people are sharing compassion and self-compassion with each other, all at the same time. It is described well in the blog entry on “Sharing Compassions and Working Together“. As also mentioned, my book is the catalyst for my Climate Justice strategy and associated efforts, including ideas for problem solving together.
It provides an explanation of the concepts of moving from negative-based emotions to positive-based ones, which ultimately ends up at happiness. My book equations provide insight into this. It directly supports my strategy centered around happiness-producing ideas that promote Social Justice.
In fact it is very important to note that True Justice occurs when all of those involved in an event move towards happiness. For those that receive from a transaction, there very likely may be a move towards happiness. This is surely expected. In contrast, under what circumstances does the giver feel more total happiness than if that person had been working for their own benefit. I argue that once a giver has satisfied the requirements needed for self-compassion in order to be healthy, that person can then engage in activities that either, 1.) help other people in direct displays of compassion, or 2.) share compassion and self-compassion with others to generate ideas for solving problems. I have found the positive feeling that comes from problem solving and sharing with others can be as equally satisfying and happiness-producing (if not more) than activities spent in more of a solitary nature.
Excerpt taken from the Introduction of Compassion for Life:
“The main purpose of this book is to encourage people to ask—as I have—deep probing questions of themselves as a starting point for discovering the source(s) of their physical and/or mental pain. This book is also intended as a roadmap towards reducing one’s suffering from the pain. Having the emotions of compassion and self-compassion is a road that leads towards healing and becoming a happier person.
Along the way, this book encourages people to have more compassion for themselves, each other, and the world. At many key points in our lives, we need help from others who are compassionate towards us. This is a fundamental, universal truth. The book discusses in detail this emotion of compassion and how it naturally encourages an open exchange of ideas between individuals.”
Passage on how Compassion for Life may help in the act of self-discovery:
“As long as we have the hope that we can imagine ourselves as a better person, only then can we have the strength to fully examine ourselves, and come to grips with seeing who we really are. Will Smith’s character in the movie, “Six Degrees of Separation”, describes well, how imagination is the key to being truthful: “Imagination, that’s god’s gift to make the act of self-examination bearable”. It is my hope that “Compassion for Life” may perhaps help you in the act of self-discovery.”