Table of Contents: Learning the Truth, and Learning from It
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking is an essential precursor to being able to acquire wisdom on an ongoing basis. It is the ability to be able to discern the truth and also be able to effectively problem solve, both of which are the most important building blocks for extracting the kernel of wisdom that results from self-reflection on life experiences.
Acquiring wisdom viewpoints
1.) Confucius
2.) Psychology Today
3.) The Wisdom Center
4.) General Internet search
Also note that having experiences is a critical element for acquiring wisdom. These experiences be can taught in many instances, but in many other instances, new personal experiences can only come from having done it yourself. Therefore it is imperative to acknowledge that risks need to be taken in many instances to acquire wisdom. In other words, making mistakes is a part of life. Note that the US society and culture is extremely risk averse, the existence of Helicopter parents being a prime example.
Confucius’ viewpoint on acquiring wisdom
Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, once observed three ways to acquire the necessary wisdom you need for life. He said, “By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by (2) reflection, which is noblest; Second, by (3) imitation, which is easiest; and third by (1) experience, which is the bitterest.” (Note that the ordering of “his” statement is a little bit mixed up, but the necessary components are both complete and consistent).
Psychology Today viewpoint on acquiring wisdom
Wisdom is acquired only by learning from the (1) experience. Both research and clinical observation suggest that people who work to (2) process adversity, derive meaning from it, and (3) allow it to catalyze change are the people for whom hardships lead to wisdom.
The Wisdom Center’s viewpoint on acquiring wisdom › Apr 12, 2022 (once again ordering is mixed up.)
5 Techniques To Develop Wisdom Over Time
Be Open To New Experiences. As mentioned in the introduction, wisdom is gained through
(1) Life Experience. ..
(3) Show Compassion & Empathy. …
(2) Don’t Be Afraid Of Making Mistakes. …
(2) Knowing When To Ask For Help. …
Set A Good Example.
General Internet search for acquiring widsom
Aug 17, 2019: Wisdom is a virtue that isn’t innate, but can only be acquired through (1) experience. Anyone who is interested in trying new things and (2) reflecting on the process has the ability to gain wisdom. By learning as much as you can, analyzing your experiences and (3) putting your knowledge to the test, you can become a wiser person.